09 Jun

Gardening is one of the healthiest and engaging hobby. If you're starting to garden for the first time, everything is new, and you do not know where to start. There are a lot of things to figure out. You have to decide what you actually want to grow and where. And then you keep on figuring out how you can make it happen.
Unluckily, it is not as simple as sewing some seeds in the soil and let them grow. No, gardening isn't all about it and letting nature take its course. You also need to work very hard, putting effort and take care of leaflets. You need some tools to help you out and do work for you.
In this article, we are listing eight of the essential garden tools you'll need to use most in your garden.
Gardening Gloves:
Garden gloves are the most underrated essential gardening tool that most people ignore. But they are so useful accessory that you can have. They protect your hands from getting dirty, cuts, and wounded. You can shelter your wrists and arms from scratches as well. 
Manual Push Lawn Mower With Grass Catcher Bag:
Garden and grass have deep relations since ages, and you need to maintain lawn grass to make it look neat and clean. So bring home the manual push lawn mower to experience the garden maintenance at no cost.
You can buy this push lawn mower from Aosom.com using discount code for aosom and spend the least due to discounts.
Garden Cart:
A garden cart is necessary for every gardener to make transportation of tools and maintaining a garden. It's a perfect trolley for loading plants, planters, garden supplies, and other tools in your yard. A garden cart is so versatile that it is handy for many occasions.
Water Hose:
A garden hose is so useful to make you worry-free to water your lawn and plants. Hydrating the plants is essential, so you must have a water hose to do it efficiently.
Garden Knife:
A garden knife, specifically Japanese hori-hori garden knife, should be your priority to buy as a gardening tool because of its uses. It works as a knife, a ruler, a shovel, and whatnot.
A shovel is a critical tool to make planting easy. You can break apart soil, dig the ground, and transplant soil. It helps remove weeds also.
Bow Rake:
A bow rake is a useful tool to deal with a bigger space garden. You can efficiently use it to spread soil or manure, clear dry leaves from the ground, and break and turn the soil.
Hand Pruner, Scissors Or Shears:
Hand pruners help remove dead leaves and branches, cut flowers, shrubs, and maintain the plant's shape. If you're a new gardener, pick up a pair of hand pruners to help you in garden grooming.
It is easy to get into hardware and garden store and get mesmerized with the different tools used in gardening. But all you need to have the garden tools mentioned above to help you out with your hobby.

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